Preparing for a Meet – Helpful Tips
- Pack your bag - Pack (2) pairs of goggles, (2) suits, (2) towels and (2) sweatshirts/parka to stay warm between events. Also pack some snacks, Gatorade and a deck of playing cards for fun. Make sure everything has your name on it!
- Eat Smart, Stay Safe & Go to Bed at your usual time!
- Write your events on the back of your hand. Include the Event #, Stroke & Distance (ie: #7 – 50 Free). This way both you and your coach know what events you are going to swim and you won’t miss any of them!
- Arrive 10 – 15 minutes before Warm-Ups & SIGN IN!!! The first thing you should do once you arrive is to find the Sign-In Area and SIGN-IN! Many meets have a “check-in” or “circle-in” area. These are often simply the heat sheets spread out on a large table or taped to a wall. Follow the directions given to sign in, which may include CIRCLING THE NUMBER NEXT TO YOUR NAME FOR EVERY EVENT THAT YOU ARE GOING TO SWIM THAT DAY. If you don’t sign in, you own’t swim your events! Sign in for all of the events you have written on the back of your hand – if an event is missing or you can’t find your name for an event, let your coach know about it ASAP!
- Find the Clerk of Course Area. Often the Clerk of Course is just a set of bleachers or a number of chairs set up near the pool. Swimmers go here to line up before they swim their event. Usually there is a dry-erase board on the pool deck showing what event numbers are being seeded. (Rule of Thumb: The Clerk of Course runs about (4) events in front of the meet itself, so if event 1 is in the water, event 5 is probably on call)
- Find the Team Area. Look for the CSI Swimming banner and put your gear there. When you are not swimming you should stay in the team area. Remember to have fun but also stay focused on your swims!
- Find your Coach. Once you have reported that you have checked in, the coach will let you know what lane the team will be warming up in. After each race, report straight to your coach. Your coach will discuss your race with you. After your last event, see your coach before leaving the meet. Then clean up the team area and have a safe trip home. Job Well Done!